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Where are the past NCknows newsletters & Transcripts of the Month (TotM)

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Feb 2016 Joanne Helouvry Hi, I requested an article through interlibrarian loan. I received an email saying that the article is available online and it had a link for me to access it. When I click on the link, it says the cost is $19.99 to have access.
Jan 2016 Elizabeth Bollinger I am looking for data on the following topic: Attitudes toward Muslims/Islam; ideally, I would like to have data that's broken down by race, gender, and religion
Dec 2016 Thank-yous  
Sep 2015 Melanie Gnau On campus, the library allows me to access journal papers such as ACM or IEEE. Google scholars says "Download through Atkins digital ..." and I click on that and it downloads it for me. But I want to access those off campus and at home that option doesn't exist.
Aug 2015 Emily Blankenship Where is the best place to locate an EBP (Evidence Based Practice) nursing article?
Jul 2015 Dwight McBride & Libby Gorman um im trying to do my college homework, at cvcc but i dont really understand how nc live works. know, I just need a really good topic that i wont get bored with and that i can write 4 pages about
Jun 2015 Matthew Lawson I'm a NC state employee. Can they do away with or garnish pensions like they did in Detroit?
May 2015 Dwight McBride i have a compare/contrast writing assignment - a research paper about a personal choice I have to make whether educational path, career directions, purchase factors or life transitions. Im a nontraditional student struggling to get good grades in college so I thought my personal choice was whether to continue to pursue my goal of a college degree or not. However, although a choice, I am not sure if this an appropriate compare/contrast topic??
Apr 2015 Mark Schumacher (+Kate Theobald, Stephen Culkin, Emily Blankenship) (Multiple questions, and librarians going the extra mile)
Mar 2015 Kathleen Wheeless I would like just a simple list of all manufacturers in utah and north carolina, how could I get that? I would also like to narrow the list to a certain amount of employees or annual sales, is that possible.
  Suvanida Duangudom Hello, I purchased the access code for the online portion of the pe classes last semester. However, I can't remember the website that it was on and I have a new class starting now. Do you know the website for the pa modules?
  Jennifer Mincey What makes NC Live searching different from a regular google search?
Feb 2015 UNC Charlotte Hello! I am having difficulty locating a journal article for a paper for a nursing class. I'd like an article that relates to the importance of the concept of range of motion. Do you have any suggestions on how I can yield good search results?
Jan 2015 Andrea Green Hey I am writing a paper for biology that has to include what kind of diseases or disorders that usually have high or low Leukocyte levels. It has to be described in 5 paragraphs which include Neutrophils, Basophils, Eosinophils, Lymphocytes, and Monocytes. Do you know of a good reference I could utilize?
Dec 2014 Suvanida Duangudom Good-day, I need to obtain consumer information about the consumption of chocolate products such as hot chocolate etc. relative to trends.
Nov 2014 Christmas-tree thank-you  
Oct 2014 Angela Davis good afternoon, I'm having a hard time trying to find scholarly references for my paper. My topic is "Discuss the Exclusionary Rule and its impact on police investigations. First describe the Rule and its benefits, then explain how this helps in conducting criminal investigations. Finally, explain why many police agencies and their representatives would like to see this rule abolished, and discuss the consequences if this were to happen."
Sep 2014 Chanda Green does wake tech offer microsoft word for free to students
Aug 2014 Lynda Kellam I am new to uncg s a faculty member, and new to a question, thanks. I created folders in the Course section to post assignmenst, etc. I want my students to be able to sign and document I have posted, and post it in a folder I created. So how can I make that folder accessable for my students to put their documents there?? IN other words, how do I create a folder that students can upload assgnmetns to?
Jul 2014 Laurie Williams i am doing a casual analysis paper on why the minimum wage should be raised can you help me?
Jun 2014 Suvanida Duangudom I have to do a research paper for my class of psych and really i do not know where and how to start. i know i need 3 sources, and one of them must show an experiment on video games and adoloescents
May 2014 Humorous excerpts  
Apr 2014 Christine Bretz Hello! I was wondering how to find sources to match the short stories that I am writing about in my English paper? I am writing an English paper and my teacher wants us to add sources to our paper. I am writing about the short story "The Necklace" and I don't know how to find a source that will be similar to what the short story is about.
Mar 2014 Sarah Bonner Good morning. I'm currently having difficulty figuring out what I should do to shorten my intro paragraph. I'm following the outline that was provided for my essay and after I have included everything my paragraph ends up being 434 words. This what the outline calls for: I.tIntroduction (one paragraph)na.tIdentify the specific policy that you have selected and discuss its history and the reasons it was establishednb.tIdentify who the policy affects and how, highlighting its negative affects or unintended side effectsnc.tInclude a thesis statement listing the reasons that the policy should be changed and summarizing your proposed changes
Feb 2014 Stephanie Bowers & Angela Davis Hi Steve, this is [patron’s name]. I am trying to look up NAICS codes and SIC codes for the solar industry. I have taken classes for this before, but I cannot remember where to search for these codes before researching the industry!
Jan 2014 Alicia Wyatt & anon If you save a resume in NC Live, can you access it a couple weeks later?
Dec 2013 Keith Gay I need alternative treatment for eating disorders. I was looking on medlineplus and its not really giving me a lot of info
Nov 2013 Keith Gay I am looking for a particular article for a magazine I found it about a week ago and didn't send it by email like I thought I had but cant find it now
  Abby Rovner i need help writing a casual essay. you have any good ideas on a topic. im thinking maybe should college football players get paid. the assignment is to write a casual essay with counter viewpoints that is 4 to 6 pages long and then the next essay is to propose a solution so i need a good topic that has a solution
  Alicia Wyatt I just need to find 3 sources for my topic then an E book also. I'll take anything to make the search less over whelming. it is for a cause and effect essay on how children are affected by divorce...
Oct 2013 Frank Barefoot I am trying to find the effects of driving while impaired
Sep 2013 Alicia Wyatt Hi, I was wondering if you could help me find something? I'm looking for LIFE magazine, and have no idea where to look. (I'm physically in the building)
Aug 2013 Sarah Wagner hi, I am looking for a database for my argument essay that is " Americans become overly depend on technology". can you help me to find some good database for my essay? thank u so much
Jul 2013 Alicia Wyatt im trying to find resources for the benefits of team sports for children im doing an argument essay for benefits of kids team sports im new at NCLIVE
Jun 2013 Brandy Bourne Hi, how might I gain access to the ProQuest dissertations database?
  Suvanida Duangudom hi, can I request a library card online?
  Bryan Wymor i have forgot my pin can you help
May 2013 Dre Orphanides I am having a terrible time getting a book downloaded for a nook. is anybody available to help me?
  Leanda Gahegan How do I download ebooks to my Kindle..not a Kindle Fire?
  Andrea Putnam Hey . I need help . We are learning about Fossils .
Apr 2013 Amy Chadwell I am looking for one article from The Chronicle of Higher Education that has something to do with how public school is a better education than homeschooling?
Mar 2013 John Raynor how can i find a research article?
Feb 2013 Libby Gorman Hi! Do you have any suggestions on an ebook that would tell me about the effects of violent video games on teenagers?
Jan 2013 Katy Sandlin My English 111 teacher told me to go Discussion Board, read the contents, and post my comments, however I don't know how to post, and I haven't used this Discussion Board before
  Stephanie Bowers are there any books on correctional officer stress in the work place?
  Alicia Wyatt I'm researching an address in statesville. Trying to find out past owners, deaths, the land, any information
Dec 2012 Julia Mielish I need a lit analysis on the Ballad of Birmingham by Dudley Randall and can not find on I can view online??
Nov 2012 Gwen Exner This will probably be a silly question but how do you show a youtube video in a powerpoint? Like have the video showing, not the link.
Oct 2012 Bryan Wymor Hi, I'm trying to renew books, but my pin is not working.
Sep 2012 Gwen Exner hello im doing a claasicial argument essay on racaial profiling /police/ where do i look in database for resources?
Aug 2012 Katy Sandlin hi! do you issue library cards to Chapel Hill residents who aren't UNC affiliates, so we can check out academic books? And what's the length of time for a check out?
Jul 2012 Bridget Sanders I was given a calendar at the Library yesterday,there are same dates marked with things like Pecan Pie Day and Choclate Day.Are these celebrated at the library?Why are marked on the calendar?