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Do you have Martin Luther King resources?

1227 views   |   61   79   |   Last updated on Aug 11, 2015   


Martin Luther King Jr. Resources

All of these resources can be found in NC LIVE. . NC LIVE is a collection of library resources that librarians have reviewed for quality. These can be used as a reliable alternative to sites like Wikipedia and Google. NC LIVE requires a password which your teacher will provide you with. If your teacher doesn't have a password, please let us know at

Basic Biographies

SIRS Knowledge Source Package: Search "Martin Luther King" and be sure to limit the results to "Encyclopedias." Spend some time browsing results.

Literature Resource Center: This database has excellent biographies of Martin Luther King Jr and some other historical figures.

In Depth Articles

Proquest Research Library: This database has a very large variety of both academic and popular articles on Martin Luther King Jr. If you need academic articles, be sure to click "peer reviewed" on the search page or on the results page.  

Also, if you need focused articles, for example Martin Luther King Jr. and nonviolence, you can search using the term "and":

Martin Luther King and nonviolence

Ebooks : Be sure to combine terms when you search: 

"Martin Luther King" and march
"Martin Luther King" and selma
...and poor people's campaign
...and assassination


Quality Outside Sites:

King Center:

Speeches and Interviews: